Friday, August 22, 2014

A New Way To Hide N' Seek

One of my favorite games growing up was Hide N' Seek. My parents had a unique design to their house so there were a lot of different nooks and crannies a kid could discover. I tried to teach it to Lyla, but she didn't quite grasp the concept. It became more of a game of Peek A Boo between us. I improvised by hiding all of her Disney Princess Dolls around the house and having her go find them. 

Queen Elsa hiding so cleverly

Fairies like babies
Can you guess which princess is under here?
Gotta get them all! 

It may sound crazy, but since playing this game I feel she is a lot better at finding things than the was before. Lyla also practices counting while I hide the dolls and has improved greatly. She now counts to 13 and then skips through a lot of different numbers. My favorite thing is when she goes to hide the dolls she throws them in the middle of the room and screams, "READY!" 

 This has become a great game that we play quite often. Find the stuffed animals in your house today and give it a try!

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