Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome to Our Neverland

This is blog about mom and daughter in a new city, trying to find some happiness and magic. The other day as I put on the movie Tangled (for the Billionth time) for my adorable 2 1/2 year old daughter Lyla, I thought she needs something more than this. I stopped the movie and instead strapped her into the car and we found a farm down the road that sold ice cream and let you visit their animals.  It was lots of fun and I enjoyed the smiles and giggles from my sweet girl.

I admit motherhood is not the easiest thing for me. Mainly because being at home all day long cooking, cleaning, potty training, and coming up with fun things to do is  not always my cup of tea. But I love life and believe that we should live it. Living it requires some effort, courage, and a little bit of imagination.

Peter Pan was always one of my favorite stories throughout my life. There something very enticing about never growing old and being able to fly. I have always loved these words from the famous song Never Never Land: "I know a place where dreams are born and time is never planned. It's not on any chart, you must find it in your heart never never land."  Just like Wendy, Michael, and John couldn't fly until THEY came up with their own happy thought, each one of us has to find our own Neverland. I hope this blog provides some inspiration for you as it helps to motivate me. Here's a little glimpse into our world, enjoy!

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